Tuesday, February 8, 2011

7 Reasons Why Believers Should Not Drink Alcohol

I have an article on my research web giving 7 Reasons Believers should not drink alcoholic beverages - http://www.logosresourcepages.org/Believers/drinking.htm

I received an interesting response that I hope you will take time to read and ponder -

I read your article this evening about the 7 reasons why a Christian should not drink. Thank you for this study, it is very helpful.

Years ago I struggled with drinking as a young believer and it got me into lots of trouble. Unfortunately, the Baptist church I attended at the time had an extensive young crowd that loved to socialize and go "clubbing." In my heart I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't stop and found no allies among my peers to confide in of the guilt I was feeling for the wrong we were doing. Any comments I got were the classic misunderstandings of Christians with regards to this matter: everything in moderation; Jesus turned water to wine; we have liberty, we're under grace, not law; Paul told Timothy to drink wine, etc, etc. It was so bad, that the preacher's children and their spouses drank; even his son-in-law had a home beer brewing kit and was on the deocinate of the church.

I finally left that church and have since found a church that does NOT condone drinking, but advocates abstinence, moreover the preaching of the Word of God! I have been alcohol free for 7 years now, praise God!

While I work in the challenging field of accounting, unfortunately my colleagues and my boss find the way to cope with the stress by hitting the bottle after work. Thankfully, I am strong and do not surcumb to this activity, although it puts me on the outs, because I choose not to participate. Sadly, my boss is a professing Christian whose husband is a former Baptist minister and is now the founder of a major charitable relief organization, so she feels perfectly comfortable flaunting her "liberty." This coupled with her like for gambling and swearing make it difficult to distinguish her as a believer. She has even bragged to coworkers who are blatant heathens that, "she's a cool mom" because she drinks with her kids.

Please pray with me that I remain strong and can be a positive influence to those around me. And please pray for my boss that God opens her eyes and heart to truth.

God bless,
Bro ____

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